Oncofetal Biomarkers Team (OF-Biomarker)

Welcome to the Oncofetal Biomarkers, a team dedicated to advancing the field of medical diagnostics and precision medicine. We specialize in the development and application of cutting-edge techniques for the detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and the analysis of free circulating proteoglycans in body fluids, including blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid.




We have a strong focus on understanding the role of ofCS in metastatic cancer disease and to use this to develop novel cancer diagnostic methods. Our team’s expertise spans a wide range of areas, including:

  • Understanding the role and fine structure of oncofetal Chondroitin Sulfate in cancer initiation, progression and metastasis

Contact: Mette Agerbæk, Ali Salanti

  • Detection and analysis of circulating proteoglycans in plasma, urine, or cerebrospinal fluid for cancer diagnosis

Contact: Mette Ørskov Agerbæk, Amalie Mundt Jørgensen 

  • Early diagnosis of cancer by sensitive detection of circulating tumor cells

Contact: Mette Ørskov Agerbæk, Caroline Bang Løppke

  • Genomic single cell analysis of circulating tumor cells

Contact: Mette Ørskov Agerbæk

  • Diagnosis and MRD monitoring of AML using oncofetal chondroitin sulfate-specific targeting moieties

Contact: Mette Ørskov Agerbæk, Joana Mujollari

  • Exploring ofCS for the detection of cancer-associated extracellular vesicles

Contact: Mette Ørskov Agerbæk, Caroline Løppke







We are engaged in a wide range of national and international collaborations and work closely with university hospitals around the world as well as industrial partners, including:

  • EUROSTAR collaboration PURECELL with Xantec and University of Düsseldorf to use ofCS to isolate circulating tumor cells from blood samples for cancer diagnostic purposes.
  • PREDICT, a Grand Solution Innovation Foundation funded project in close collaboration with VARCT Diagnostics and three University hospitals to clinical test the developed method on capturing circulating tumor cells for cancer diagnostic purposes.
  • Detection, analysis, and monitoring of CTCs in prostate cancer patients. Collaboration with University Hospital of Copenhagen,
  • Detection of CTCs in patient entering the Phase I unit, collaboration with University Hospital of Copenhagen.
  • Detection of circulating proteoglycans for early diagnosis of CRC, a collaboration with three University Hospitals.
  • Detection and single cell analysis of PDAC CTCs. Collaboration with Center for Surgical Science at Zealand University Hoispital.
  • Diagnosing and monitoring AML, a preclinical development project with University Hospital Copenhagen and BRIC.
  • Detection of CTCs in blood samples from melanoma patients, in collaboration with Ordensklinikum Linz, Austria.

















Mette Agerbæk
Assistant Professor

Ali Salanti 