7 June 2024

Williams BG et al. Nat Commun 15: 4857, 2024

Williams BG, King LD, Pulido D, Quinkert D, Lias AM, Silk SE, Ragotte RJ, Davies H, Barrett JR, McHugh K, Rigby C, Alanine DG, Barfod L, Shea MW, Cowley LA, Dabbs RA, Pattinson DJ, Douglas AD, Lyth OR, Illingworth JJ, Jin J, Carnrot C, Kotraiah V, Christen JM, Noe AR, MacGill RS, King CR, Birkett AJ, Soisson LA, Skinner K, Miura K, Long CA, Higgins MK and Draper SJ. Development of an improved blood-stage malaria vaccine targeting the essential RH5-CyRPA-RIPR invasion complex. [PubMed]

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