Send an e-mail with an Internet hyperlink to the CMP webmaster (link at bottom of this page) to request having your conference, congress, meeting etc. included in this list.
- 2025/03/11-14 - Joint Parasitology Spring Meeting, Wurzburg, Germany
- 2025/03/30-04/02 - Keystone Symposium - Malaria: Mechanisms of immunity and protection, Santa Fe, NM, USA
- 2025/04/03-04 - 16th German Malaria Meeting - Tübingen, Germany
- 2025/04/04 - DSP/DSTMIH Spring Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2025/04/25 - JHSPH World Malaria Day Symposium, Baltimore, MD, USA
- 2025/05/03-07 - Immunology 2025 (AAI Annual meeting) , Honolulu, HI, USA
- 2025/05/20-22 - BioMalPar XXI Conference, Heidelberg, Germany
- 2025/05/25-30 - Gordon Research Conference - Malaria. Barcelona, Spain, Germany
- 2025/10/15-17 - 50th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Immunology, Stockholm, Sweden
- 2025/11/09-13 - 74th Annual ASTMH Meeting, Toronto, Canada
- 2026/08/16-21 - ICOPA 2026 - XVI International Congress of Parasitology, Montreal, Canada